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New Revolution is coming!
« on: March 07, 2008, 12:29:28 PM »
New Revolution is coming!

Somalia is dealing death, not only to the people in other lands but its own people, so say the most thoughtful and passionate of our youth from Ras Aser to Ras kamboni the realization of owning this country is out of their minds, al though this realization is not limited to the new generations only.

We think of ourselves as incredible rich country of having natural sources, but we are beginning to realize that we are also desperately poor country, poor in most of the things that throughout the history of mankind have been cherished as riches. 

There is a revolution coming, it will not be like revolutions of the past, it will originate with the individual and with culture, and it will change the political structure only as its final act. It will not require violence to succeed and it cannot be successfully resisted by violence. It’s now spreading with amazing rapidly and already our social structures and educations are changing in consequence.

 It promises a higher reason, a more human community, and a new and liberated individual. Its ultimate creation will be a new and enduring wholeness and beauty relationship of man to himself, to other men, to society, to nature and to the land.

The logic and necessity of the new generation and what they are so furiously opposed to must be seen against a background of what has gone wrong in our country.

At the heart of everything is what we shall call a change of consciousness. This means a ‘New head’ a new way of living; this is what the new generation has been searching for. 

The new generation has to observe the present crises as a collection of problems not necessary related to each other and although profoundly troubling, nevertheless within the reach of reason and reform. But if we list these problems, not according to topic but as elements of larger issues concerning the structure of  our society itself  we can see that the present crises is an organic one, that it arises out of the basic premises  by which we live and that no mere reform can touch it, these includes disorder, corruption, hypocrisy, poverty, uncontrolled technology and destruction of environment, absence of community, loss of self and many others.

So please never forget, this land is your land, this land is my land, come on people now, smile on your brother, every body get together, try to love one another. Hopefully the new generation will be the young educated individuals where ever they are, how it will be look like it concerns all us, so let us debate the best way that we can bring a new revolution which is free from clan and gun based.

By Executive Director of Somali Young doctors Association     
                        Abdiqani Sheikh Omar,,


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