Author Topic: Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!  (Read 34337 times)

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Offline Waxbaro!

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Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!
« on: April 18, 2008, 09:07:16 PM »
This is an open discussion about medications and Somali people, have your say?

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Re: Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2008, 07:34:27 AM »
Good Question!

1- Somalis don't know much about drugs
2- They believe in medications as a magic healers
3- It is easy to get medication without prescription
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Offline Amal

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Re: Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2008, 07:54:29 PM »
Good Morning ma, people.
                         Somalis lack the idea of ALL MEDS have side effects, no drug is safe drug!!
                         They also believe in the magic bullet of drugs, in addition they tend to love going to the hospital, which  increases their chance of using drugs.

N/B there are alot of drug study going on out there, I bet they are aware of that............

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Re: Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2008, 05:14:00 PM »
Even those drugs which are available in most of our pharmacies are not authenticated.
In diagnosis think of the easy first.
Martin H. Fischer

Offline Waxbaro!

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Re: Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2008, 03:01:06 AM »
Good Morning ma, people.
                         Somalis lack the idea of ALL MEDS have side effects, no drug is safe drug!!
                         They also believe in the magic bullet of drugs, in addition they tend to love going to the hospital, which  increases their chance of using drugs.

N/B there are alot of drug study going on out there, I bet they are aware of that............

Thanks amal, but you know if they keep going to hospitals that will be good enough, but the problem is that they directly rush to pharmacies and there is no such law which prohibit handling medication without prescription (Sadly, it's like grocery store!!!).
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Offline Warsame

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Re: Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2010, 01:14:57 PM »
waad mahad santihiin dhamaantiin saxiibayaal:
dhibaatooyinka aad meesha ku xusteen dhamaaan waa wax haysta bulshadeena.
marmarka qaarkoodna waxaan qiyaasin in farmashiistayaasha qaarkood ineysan aqoon aasaasi ah u lahayn daawada ay gadaayaan.
isla markaana ay u bilaabeen daawo gadida sidii ganac,sharci xadidayana saad soo sheeegteen maleh.
marka maxayba ka waaniyaan dad ka waxyeelooyinka daawooyin key ii bin? hadi in badan oo ka mida laftigoodii aqoon.
umadu waxay u baahantahay wax ka wacyi galiya waxyeelooyinka daawooyinka.

Offline Dr abdullahi

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Re: Why Somalis Eat Drugs Like Candy?!
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2012, 07:51:38 PM »
Asc waad mahadsantihiin asxaabta qiimaha iyo qaayaha mudanba markaan ka hadlayno dhibaatooyinka ugu wayn ee umadda la kulanto waxaa weeye waa dhowr qodob oo u baahan in si wadajir ah looga shaqeeyo waa :1)bulshada oo aan la siin waxaa la yiraahdo health education taas oo keenta in ay marka qofka xanuun isku arko halkii uu u tagi lahaa dhakhtar uu ka door bido qof farmasi fadhiyo kaas oo aan u lahayn aqoontii pharmacology taas oo uu qofkii uu horseedi karo adverse effect ama dhibaato ka daran tan u isleeyahay ka daawee.
2)awareness ama wacyigelin kufilan la siin laguna mashquulo waxyaabo ka baxsan ka wacyigelinta bulshada.
3)iyadoo oo kuwa ka iibinayo aysan umadda uga dhigin dhibkeeda iyo fa'idadeeda taas oo keenta misleading ama marin habaabin ku dhaca qofkii xanuusanayey.
xalku waxaa uu noqon karaa sida soo socoto:
1) political leadership 2)socio- cultural factor 3)biological research 4)health education and awareness.


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