Author Topic: Difficulty diagnosed patient  (Read 10652 times)

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Difficulty diagnosed patient
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:48:23 AM »

Ali Ahmed male 44 years old, came from Middle Shabelle region complaining about severe epigastric pain, profuse sweating—at times, amounting to more than 1 L of sweat per hour, fever and generalized abdominal pain his BP is 170/100, blood sugar: 400mg/dl and acetone, blood present in his urine.
In his past history no known DM and HTN.

What is the diagnosis of this case?

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Re: Difficulty diagnosed patient
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 09:22:51 PM »
Pancreatitis explain these symptoms of severe epigastric pain, profuse sweating, fever, generalized abdominal pain and diabetes.
One of the complications of pancreatitis is that it affects the kidneys causing this hypertension and hematuria.

Common causes of pancreatitis in Somali people are: Gall stones, Infections, Trauma & Medications.

Please do careful examination looking for the characteristic signs of acute pancreatitis like Grey Turner sign and Cullen sign.

For investigations, do blood tests (e.g. amylase, lipase and other digestive enzymes), Abdominal ultrasound and renal function test.

If you need further information, please feel free to ask.
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