Author Topic: Nutrition Causal Analysis (Hiran, Bay, Bakool and Banadir Regions)  (Read 24604 times)

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A causal analysis investigates and presents a 'multi-sectoral' overview of the contributing factors affecting nutritional status within a given community. Causal analysis first aims to establish the relative importance or the perceived weight of contribution, of the underlying 'spheres' or factors that influence nutritional status; it also investigates the relationships between these factors. It is in this regard that would like to conduct a Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) in its areas of operation South Central Somalia. SNS consortium is funded by DFID for 4 years and this is a good opportunity to tailor our prevention program in addressing the root causes of malnutrition.

Download the Job details

Interested and eligible applicants can send copies of their Technical proposal (max 8 pages):which should include
(i) brief explanation about the Consultant with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work;
(ii) CVs, testimonials of the Consultant to be involved in undertaking the assignment,
(iii) Understanding of the TOR and the task to be accomplished and a Financial proposal
(iv) Samples of previously done work that is similar to this assignment

Email: for applications is 2nd February 2015

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