Author Topic: What is your Phobia?  (Read 9579 times)

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Offline Kamal

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What is your Phobia?
« on: May 02, 2008, 08:26:44 AM »
What is your phobia? Scary world… or name it, if you don’t  find in this list…lol
Algophobia: fear of pain.
Amaxophopia: fear of vehicles
Anemophobia: fear of wind or draft.
Autophobia: fear of being alone.
Bacteriophobia: fear of bacteria.
Basophobia: fear of walking or fear of bieng unable to walk.
Cardiophobia: fear of heart desease
Claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces
Ergasiphobia: eversion to working.
Gamophobia: fear of marriage
Gatophobia: fear of cats, also called ailurophia.
Geumaphobia: dread of sex or sexuality.
Geumaphobia: abnormal fear of testes.
Hedonophobia: fear of pleasure
Hemophobia: fear of blood
Hydrophobia: fear of water, there is also a desease called hydrophobia, or rabies.
Hdrsophobia: fear of great hights
Kynophobia: fear of dog, kyno means dogs.
Maieusiophobia: fear of child birth.
Molysmophobia:fear of contamination, molysmo refers to stain
Monopathobia: fear of some definite disease.
Monopathobia: fear of being alone.
Musophobia: fear of mice,mus refers to mouse.
Necrophobia:fear of death or of dead bodies.
Neophobia: fear of new things
Nonophobia: fear of desease
Nyctophobia: fear of darkness.
Adontophobia: fear of teeth and of dental procedures.
Aphidiophobia: fear of snake.
Osmophobia: fear of adors
Pantaphobia: ansence of fears
Pantophobia: fear of every thing
Paraphobia: a mild fear
Parasitophobia: fear of parasites.
Parthenophobia: fear of girls
Pediophobia: fear of infants or dolls.
Pedophobia: fear of children
Phagophobia: fear of eating
Pharmacophobia: fear of drugs or medicatines
Phobophobia: fear of one’s own fears.
Phonophobia: fear of sounds or of speaking aloud.
Photophobia: fear of lights
Phthiriophobia: fear of lice.
Polyphobia: fear of many things
Proctophia: mental state of fear or apprehension in those with rectal disease
Psychrophobia: fear of cold, psychro refers to cold
Pyrophobia: fear of fire, pyro refers to fire.
Radiophobia: fear of damaging effect of roentgen rays or radium
Siderophobia: fear of travel by trains also called siderodromophia.
Syphilophobia: fear of syphilis.
Taphophobia: fear of being buried alive, tapho refers to the grace.
Taurophobia: fear of bulls, tauro refers to bull
Telephonophobia: fear of the telephones
Teratophobia: fear of monsters
Theophobia: fear of wrath of God
Thermophobia: fear of heat or high temperature
Tocophobia: fear of chilbirth, toco refers to childbirth.
Toxiphobia: fear of toxins or poisons, also called toxicophobia.
Trichophobia: fear of hair.
Uranophobia: fear of heaven, urano here to heaven.
Vermiphobia: fear of worms, also called helminthophobia.
Xerophobia: stoppage of slavia flow because of fear, anger, or excitement.
Zoophobia: fear of animals.

mine is ophidiophobia,if i see a snake on tv or picture, waa go'aynaa.. i have another that i need to name it...and that is if i do go back to afraid of guns or got shot....i will name it Somphobia...
because when i left somalia  i was teen age and i still hear  bararacdii xabada..

so find yours in the list or name it... ::)

Aqoon la’aani waa Iftiin la’aan

Offline Waxbaro!

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Re: What is your Phobia?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2008, 08:05:14 PM »
Alhamdulilah, I don't feel PHOBIAS but I would like to suggest different term for kamal's phobia, because if you say Somphobia, it may sound that you hate being in Somalia by not mentioning the reason.

So, Let us say you have Hoplophobia, which means fear of guns and firearms or alternatively, a fear of weapons in general.
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Offline Kamal

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Re: What is your Phobia?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2008, 05:17:56 AM »
waxbaro:  thank you for your suggestion,what can i  say, you have blue flag on your right shoulder.but....
this question of guns related to both health or safety, and it concern of many somalis,i want to ask you as  health workers do you suggest and make comment or what role you have as physician   to educated about safety of children and adult ?i know in Us the physician ask patient in if there is unlock gun at  home? etc
i will suggest in this website place to  talk and  to educated the civilians the problems of guns in somali........
Aqoon la’aani waa Iftiin la’aan

Offline Waxbaro!

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Re: What is your Phobia?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2008, 12:44:52 PM »
Unfortunately, we don't give enough education to our community about safety of children and adults.
& I welcome your idea to have a place in this site to educate people about the danger of guns and weapon's culture.
Your posts reflects your personality, so be Wise and Polite!

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Re: What is your Phobia?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2008, 09:16:14 PM »
I also hate snakes bro Kamal + road traffic accidents
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