What is your phobia? Scary world… or name it, if you don’t find in this list…lol
Algophobia: fear of pain.
Amaxophopia: fear of vehicles
Anemophobia: fear of wind or draft.
Autophobia: fear of being alone.
Bacteriophobia: fear of bacteria.
Basophobia: fear of walking or fear of bieng unable to walk.
Cardiophobia: fear of heart desease
Claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces
Ergasiphobia: eversion to working.
Gamophobia: fear of marriage
Gatophobia: fear of cats, also called ailurophia.
Geumaphobia: dread of sex or sexuality.
Geumaphobia: abnormal fear of testes.
Hedonophobia: fear of pleasure
Hemophobia: fear of blood
Hydrophobia: fear of water, there is also a desease called hydrophobia, or rabies.
Hdrsophobia: fear of great hights
Kynophobia: fear of dog, kyno means dogs.
Maieusiophobia: fear of child birth.
Molysmophobia:fear of contamination, molysmo refers to stain
Monopathobia: fear of some definite disease.
Monopathobia: fear of being alone.
Musophobia: fear of mice,mus refers to mouse.
Necrophobia:fear of death or of dead bodies.
Neophobia: fear of new things
Nonophobia: fear of desease
Nyctophobia: fear of darkness.
Adontophobia: fear of teeth and of dental procedures.
Aphidiophobia: fear of snake.
Osmophobia: fear of adors
Pantaphobia: ansence of fears
Pantophobia: fear of every thing
Paraphobia: a mild fear
Parasitophobia: fear of parasites.
Parthenophobia: fear of girls
Pediophobia: fear of infants or dolls.
Pedophobia: fear of children
Phagophobia: fear of eating
Pharmacophobia: fear of drugs or medicatines
Phobophobia: fear of one’s own fears.
Phonophobia: fear of sounds or of speaking aloud.
Photophobia: fear of lights
Phthiriophobia: fear of lice.
Polyphobia: fear of many things
Proctophia: mental state of fear or apprehension in those with rectal disease
Psychrophobia: fear of cold, psychro refers to cold
Pyrophobia: fear of fire, pyro refers to fire.
Radiophobia: fear of damaging effect of roentgen rays or radium
Siderophobia: fear of travel by trains also called siderodromophia.
Syphilophobia: fear of syphilis.
Taphophobia: fear of being buried alive, tapho refers to the grace.
Taurophobia: fear of bulls, tauro refers to bull
Telephonophobia: fear of the telephones
Teratophobia: fear of monsters
Theophobia: fear of wrath of God
Thermophobia: fear of heat or high temperature
Tocophobia: fear of chilbirth, toco refers to childbirth.
Toxiphobia: fear of toxins or poisons, also called toxicophobia.
Trichophobia: fear of hair.
Uranophobia: fear of heaven, urano here to heaven.
Vermiphobia: fear of worms, also called helminthophobia.
Xerophobia: stoppage of slavia flow because of fear, anger, or excitement.
Zoophobia: fear of animals.
mine is
ophidiophobia,if i see a snake on tv or picture, waa go'aynaa.. i have another that i need to name it...and that is if i do go back to Somali...im afraid of guns or got shot....i will name it
Somphobia...because when i left somalia i was teen age and i still hear bararacdii xabada..
so find yours in the list or name it...