Author Topic: Anatomy Videos and softwares  (Read 23819 times)

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Offline Awrka

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Anatomy Videos and softwares
« on: April 10, 2012, 03:18:07 AM »
Dear Somalidoc users,

I would like to request a software/video called "Acland's DVD of Human Anatomy" which contains 6 The six DVDs:
DVD 1: The Upper Extremity
DVD 2: The Lower Extremity
DVD 3: The Trunk
DVDs 4 and 5: The Head and Neck, Parts 1 and 2
DVD 6: The Internal Organs

I would  like to have download links on  good file-upload sites like Mediafire. I would also like to ask you if any of you have Anatomy dissection videos with English subtitles. I don't care about what the spoken language is, just  want only the Dissection videos with English subtitles.

Thanks 4 your time and consideration. I look forward hearing back from you on this issue.

Allah bless you,


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